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Blog - FS25 Prefab
US Style Powerpoles Prefab v1.0
US Style Powerpoles Prefab v1.0
FS25 Prefab Comments: 0

US Style Powerpoles Prefab.  Author: crookedcreekmodding

admin 07.12.2024, 16:52

Power prefab full release v1.0
Power prefab full release v1.0
FS25 Prefab Comments: 0

Including realistic Transformers sounds, replacing the other Poles I have made. This is a prefab you can use it in your map This is still in early development Unsipate and extract the folder and place it on your desktop with the other textures. UK power poles added more power lines in make sure you’ve got all the texture How to use: When you are in the unzip folder One ...

admin 07.12.2024, 10:08

Skull Prefab v1.0
Skull Prefab v1.0
FS25 Prefab Comments: 0

Skull wich you can add to your tractor or any vehicles.  Author: Floydy

admin 02.12.2024, 12:43

Wooden table for tractors v1.0
Wooden table for tractors v1.0
FS25 Prefab Comments: 0

Table (Prefab).  Author: Emil9356

admin 27.11.2024, 23:38

Decal (two sided) Prefab v1.0
Decal (two sided) Prefab v1.0
FS25 Prefab Comments: 0

A decal with a double-sided image where you can insert your logo/images.  Author: Floyd

admin 27.11.2024, 19:16

Wondertree Prefab v1.0
Wondertree Prefab v1.0
FS25 Prefab Comments: 0

Wondertree package (updated).  Author: Floydy

admin 27.11.2024, 19:16

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