The Saphir silage roller SW 30 was manufactured by Saphir to achieve the best possible result in compaction. The roller can be filled with water to gain more weight. It also has configurations of a silo edge compressor and a tow rope. This device is best suited for medium and large tractors. Renewal for 25: Based on the 25 material system. Working width: 3m Weight: 2240kg Capacity ...
Deutz Fahr 6C RV-Shift with Turkish Flag Tractor. Author: Turan Birligi
With this mod, you’ll use more diesel then what the game uses by default – just download the zip file and drop the whole still zipped file right into your mods folder and watch your average MPG drop like freshly bailed straw setting fuel usage to high in the game menu will now increase diesel consumption by a factor of 5 – yes that’s right a factor of 5! and setting it to ...
Massey Ferguson Beta 7360 AL4 11.500L Capacity changed to 11,500 L Author: JeanSebastien
Massey Ferguson Beta 7360 AL4 11.500L Capacity changed to 11,500 L Author: JeanSebastien
– Increase to 10000L – Increase to 700HP Price: 400,000 Speed 60KM/H Working Speed: 25KM/H Working Width: 36M 49M 54M Author: Kortana GIANTS Software
04.12.2024, 06:30
Post: John Deere 710 v1.0
04.12.2024, 06:30
Post: John Deere 710 v1.0
04.12.2024, 06:30
Post: John Deere 710 v1.0
04.12.2024, 06:30
Post: John Deere 710 v1.0